How to Stop Procrastinating
3 Essential Steps to Follow
Procrastinating is a usual feature of everyday behaviour and I also fall victim to it often. However, my ultra alert self awareness channels keep goading me how to stop procrastinating. So, let’s get started with 3 most important actions that allow me to move forward in my degrees of procrastination.
1. Write Write Write
That’s Right ! When we write down what is not getting accomplished, it is most effective way to get our energy moving. Therefore, allowing us to move in direction of manifesting our goals. I find it greatly useful to keep a notebook or a journal to jot down random stuff that needs my immediate attention. It works wonderfully well only if you keep your awareness around it alive and flip through your goals for a visual treat daily through your journal.
2. Chunk Chunk Chunk
Chunking means breaking down the task or goal into smaller tasks for ease of comprehension. Brain finds it easier to get out of auto-habitual patterns of procrastination if it could perceive ease in doing things. We can use chunking since it allows your brain to feel comfort in knowing that something we had been avoiding is not that dreadful as we perceived it unconsciously. Make sure to jot down how each task can be broken down into smaller steps and something to suit your individual pace. Moreover,, achieving something is more to do with loving yourself rather than getting a round of applause from others around you.
3. Act Act Act
Great going so far! Now, let’s jump into the energy of action. Acting out is the key to manifesting your goals. Writing down our goals and keeping them around us in our visual field helps us to make changes faster and more effectively. I’m a great fan of manifestation and being creative in this process allows me to know and believe that I live in a universe of miracles. Also, we are creating miracles through our energy of actions consciously and unconsciously all the time.. Acting on the smaller chunks of action steps is great to begin tapping into your power of stop procrastinating.
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