How to Set SMART Goals

3 Essential Questions to Answer

Goals are essential to meet our needs and wants. How we set SMART goals determines whether what we want to achieve in the goal setting process is aligned or not with our purpose. However, most of us tend to set goals which we might regret later or loose sight of them once we realize the futility of moving in a specific life direction. So, the question is: How do we know the goals we are setting align with our deepest desires and beliefs? 

I will be sharing with you 3 questions you can apply to get answers to set goals which are clear, focused and align with your purpose in life. The 3 questions are:

1. What is the relationship of my goal to myself?

When you set your goals by asking questions that allow you to relate to them, you tend to set SMART goals that are aligned with your purpose. It means your goal must be able to derive an intrinsic value for you. For example, if you want to make new friends and ask this question; your answers might be as follows:

a) I want to know more people and network.

b) I want to be more social.

c) I want to practice by socializing skills.

d) I am an introvert and would like to go out and meet new people to learn a new skill.

The last answer shows your relationship to the goal of making new friends more than the other 3 answers. The last answer allows you to connect with your goal in relationship to a new skill you want to develop. Once you develop a new skill and achieve your goal, your goal is achieved and what you achieved would always stay with you in your core. No one can take  it away from you. Therefore, your goal has a intrinsic value that would delight you whenever you would reflect on your achievements.

2. What is the relationship of my goal to others?

Once you are clear about the value a specific goal holds for you, you move on to determine its value in relation to others. You know how developing a new skill would affect your self confidence. At the same time, when you know how making new friends will develop a skill that would allow you to share your gifts and talents with more people around you. It allows  you to serve others in a way that  meets your higher purpose. Service to others in whatever way possible  by using our gifts in any form  allows us to set goals that would never lose their intrinsic appeal.

3. How does the goal makes me feel?

You are not true to your goal if you do not feel passionate about it. You must ask if your goal achievement  process is full of fun, passion and ease or not. Having passion allows freedom within your core and your energy flows in the direction of your goal much easily than otherwise. Also, your intrinsic motivation is naturally present when your goals are aligned with your passions and beliefs. community banner

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