How to Achieve Goals
3 Essential Questions to Ask
How we achieve goals determines our reality and quality of manifesting our dreams and wishes. I often struggled myself in the process. However being an optimist, I always figured out the benefits in each struggle. This led me to create system for myself that ultimately always worked successfully. The busy work schedules, crazy tech world demands and personal stuff leaves us tired, overwhelmed and stressed. Therefore, we lose our vitality to achieve fresh goals amidst the daily throwback of the habitual actions .
My training as a Coach in Neuro-semantics with my aura to perceive growth in each challenge made me ask 3 essential questions. And these questions opened up doors of possibilities to realise my potential better than before. I realised the power to ask right questions opens up the doors to possibilities, hidden information and breaks barriers.
The language we process unconsciously in our thinking determines the quality of our feelings. Hardly are we conscious in each moment the impact language could have on our well being, productivity and success in life. We pick language through our cultures and upbringing through the role models who could be our parents, caregivers and social institutions.
The 3 essential questions to ask to start knowing your thinking patterns and updating them are:
1. Why do I Want to Achieve this Goal?
2. What do I Gain if I Achieve this Goal?
3. How do I Feel if I Achieve this Goal?
I created practical hands on Habit Trackers for goal setting to track down my most important goals that gives me connection and organization around my daily actions. I use it at the end of the day. And it does send messages to the subconscious to stay actively engaged in my purpose instead of habitually forgetting it and later regretting or feeling frustrated. You can download these daily habit trackers below and stay organized to achieve your goals.

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